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SEO content pillar structure with interconnected topics and subtopics

SEO Content Pillars

Content pillars are foundational themes or topics that guide the creation of your content, helping you to maintain consistency and relevance across various channels.  One of the most effective ways to structure content and streamline your efforts is by utilizing the concept of content pillars.

Content pillars are broad themes or topics that represent the core areas of focus for your content. These pillars provide the structure for your content strategy by helping you organize your content into categories that align with both your business goals and the interests of your target audience. Think of them as the main topics around which all your content revolves.

For instance, if you run a fitness blog, your content pillars might include “workout routines,” “nutrition tips,” “mental health,” and “fitness gear reviews.” Each of these pillars would then serve as a foundation for creating specific blog posts, social media updates, videos, or podcasts that delve deeper into subtopics within each pillar.

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